SmartVan Inclinometer Quick Start Guide

SmartVan Sensor & Inclinometer Setup Guide

Powering the Device

  1. Connect the device to a power supply (5V - 32V).
  2. You should see a red LED indicator. It will blink every second to indicate that the module is powered on and disconnected from Wi-Fi.
  3. If the device has never been connected to Wi-Fi before, it will immediately create its own access point.

Connecting to the Device's Access Point

  1. Open your Wi-Fi settings and scan for local networks.
  2. Look for an access point named smartvanio-inclinometer-xxxxx or smartvanio-inclinometer-xxxxx and connect to it.
  3. If setting up an inclinometer, the access point will be named smartvanio-inclinometer-xxxxxx, where "xxxxxx" is the unique identifier of your device.

Configuring Wi-Fi

  1. Once connected to the device's access point, open a web browser and go to
  2. The Wi-Fi setup page will load, displaying available networks.
  3. Select the Wi-Fi network that your Home Assistant hub is connected to and enter the password.
  4. Click Connect. The device will then stop serving its access point and attempt to connect to your selected network.
  5. Your laptop or tablet may automatically reconnect to your chosen network.
  6. To check if the connection was successful, visit smartvanio-inclinometer-xxxxxx.local in your browser. You should see a webpage displaying device information, including pitch and roll angles.
  7. By default, the inclinometer is disabled. Click Toggle Inclinometer to enable it.

Adopting the Device in Home Assistant

Automatic Discovery

  1. Home Assistant will detect the device on the network and notify you that it is available for adoption.
  2. Open the Notifications section from the sidebar.
  3. Click Check it out, which will take you to the Devices & Services page.
  4. Locate the device under Discovered, then click Configure.
  5. In the dialog, click Submit.
  6. You will be prompted to assign the device to an area—choose any location you prefer.

Manual Adoption

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  2. Click Add Integration (bottom right corner).
  3. Search for SmartVanIo.
  4. In the Host field, enter smartvanio-inclinometer-xxxxxx.local and click Submit.
  5. Assign the device to an area of your choice.

Installing the Custom Card

Using HACS (Recommended)

  1. Ensure you have HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) installed.
  2. Click on the install link below

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the card files from the provided link.
  2. Place them in your Home Assistant www folder.
  3. Add a reference to the card in lovelace resources.

Adding the Card to the Dashboard

  1. Navigate to your Home Assistant dashboard.
  2. Click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Click Add Card and select the SmartVan card.
  4. Configure the card settings as needed.
  5. Click Save to finalize the setup.

Your SmartVan device is now fully set up and integrated into Home Assistant!

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